Ok, so just a month ago I was writing about El Paso topping the list of most expensive gas prices in Texas

According to AAA, back in June the average price per gallon in El Paso was $4.88.

Iris Lopez
Iris Lopez

Fast forward to today, gas prices have made a pretty drastic drop since then- well, at least on my side of town.

AAA reports that the average gas prices in El Paso currently range from $4.28 to $4.20, but according to my eyes and recent gas purchase, that number is off!

I stopped by a gas station in far east El Paso and was shocked to see that the gas price for unleaded gas was only $4.02, and further down the road gas prices were even lower! $3.99 are you out of your mind?!

Iris Lopez
Iris Lopez

The reason I was shocked was because before I left work from west El Paso I noticed the gas prices in west El Paso were still pretty high.

The gas station located on the corner of Executive Center Blvd and Mesa has unleaded gas for $4.49. That’s nearly 50 cents more than what I paid for gas on my side of town!

Iris Lopez
Iris Lopez

I wasn’t alone in noticing this gas price difference.

Robert experienced low gas prices near the lower valley:

"I just paid 4.15 at Circle K on North Loop and Zaragoza this morning at 6 am."

And Sofie in east El Paso was able to get gas for $3.99:

"Pebble hills and Zaragoza, but gas prices are the same on Pebble hills and Saul Kleinfeld."

North east El Paso is also dealing with lower gas prices according to Mari:

"Fuel is $4.01 at the Circle K on 54 and Transmountain. Sam’s NE $3.93."

Now I am definitely not complaining about the gas prices on my side of town, but I am curious why prices in the west side of town are over 50 cents more than other sides of town.

Gas Prices Across El Paso

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