The Worst Kind of Weather In El Paso’s the Kind to Cause Damage
El Paso always knows how to surprise and keep us on our toes. A perfect example is how we have can have nice weather then have it snow in March.

If you grew up in El Paso the bipolar weather should not surprise you. But yet, some El Pasoans are willing to test their luck on the icy roads.
There are some people in El Paso who have major go-big or go-home syndrome. Just look at the start of the pandemic and how people didn't take it seriously.
You should remember when El Paso made National news during the pandemic for a heart-wrenching moment caught on camera. It was the time inmates were helping out by moving the people who died of Covid-19 into storage.
There was a video that was trending on Twitter of someone's chances of getting hit by a poolside mattress in Las Vegas during windy weather. The video will possibly make you chuckle a bit but you can see what I am talking about by clicking here.
But one thing we all know about is how El Paso has crazy weather leading to some crazy moments. A great example is that one time it was so windy that there were flying trampolines all over the borderland.
But can you imagine being swept up or even hit by a trampoline the way the person recording in Las Vegas did? You know that must have hurt them beyond anything they were ever hurt by in their entire life.
The craziest weather situation El Paso has seen was the time a lady was rescued from a deadly pothole after a rainy day.
But clearly, the craziest things you would think wouldn't happen can actually happen with chances being really slim. El Paso sure has faced its fair share of insane moments thanks to the weather.
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