Wanna Squeeze Another Day Out Of The 3 Day Weekend?
If you're not quite ready to finish up the long Labor Day Weekend, here are a few more "holidays" you may be able to get past your boss.
Most of us just enjoyed 3 days of relaxing but today, it's back to the grind. Unless your boss is either very cool or very stupid. (I know, I know ... everyone's boss falls into category 2. Even if the shoe fits, they may still not give you one of these.) Short of a family emergency, illness, etc; you'll have to get creative but, face it, pretty much any card you play following a 3 day weekend is going to be ruled "hangover-related".
Failing any genuine excuse, try one of these "holidays" being celebrated today:
- National Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses Day: LEGIT. They do important work and if you have one in your family, you should take a minute to honor them.
- National Ampersand Day: Hey, we all use them. Everyday & all day. (See? I just used one!) Anything that universal should be acknowledged by one & all.
- National Ants on a Log Day ... has nothing to do with ants. Try this though - I don't have logs in my yard but I have ants and they're always working. If having a log is important to them, the least I can do is take a day to go find 'em one. Right?
- National Another Look Unlimited Day: Basically, an official day for Spring Cleaning. Cleanliness is next to Godliness you know, just don't let your boss know all you're cleaning up is the Labor Day, post-bbq mess.
As a boss myself, I'd let you slide with one of those. Really. Of course, I'm: 1) a much cooler boss than most and 2) I really don't care why anyone needs a day off as long as their shift is covered and it's not freaking COVID -19 related.
We've already had 2 "near misses" here at KLAQ in that regard and that's plenty.
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