Five El Paso “Fall” Things That Are Way Scarier Than Halloween
As Halloween draws closer, here are a few more scary things going on around El Paso, courtesy of Mother Nature and those "other" holidays.
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In honor of that, and Halloween, here are "5" scary things about Fall in the Borderland:
- Bipolar weather. You bundle up in the morning to head for work in 50 degree temps with wind and/or rain and, sometimes, sleet. You drive back home in your shorts with the AC cranked because it's sunny and freakin' 85..
- Regarding sleet. El Pasoans don't drive well in less than perfect conditions. Rain really screws up the universe for peeps around here and, if you add sleet, forget it. You stop giving directions by exits and start using accidents. "Go past the first 2 wrecks but exit before you get to the third one." (On the upside, things come to a halt - schools close, official offices shut down ... basically, the city takes a day off.)
- That weird pollen clearance sale thing. Winter comes and our allergies all settle down for a bit. Spring comes and they wake in an angry mood. Over Summer, things kind of settle and then, Fall brings some sort of wild, last act of defiance before winter shuts things down for a (short) while.
- Black Friday. It's like the Purge. One day out of the year when reasonable people stay home or, at the least, avoid any and all retail establishments for fear of marauding hordes in search of PS5's, cheap tv's and $2 toasters.
- Finally, speaking of shopping, there's looking at your Christmas gift list and then checking your bank account. The stuff of nightmares ...
Halloween actually is a "treat" compared to the really scary things that happen in Fall around here.
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