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Texas Tech University is one of the few schools in the United States that has more than one mascot. Raider Red and the Masked Rider are legendary, award-winning mascots that bring school spirit to sporting and other local events.

While we all adore our mascot duo, what if they were a trio? Well, in the early 80s, they were.

A long-forgotten part of Texas Tech’s past is the existence of Raider Rose, a female version of our beloved Raider Red. There's little to no information out there about her, other than a single black and white photo of the costume taken in 1984.

Courtesy of the Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library
Courtesy of the Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library

I will say, she is a bit terrifying, with her giant head and dead eyes, but every mascot from that time looked a little questionable. I mean, have you seen what Raider Red used to look like?

No matter how Raider Rose might've looked in the 80s, she could've had so much potential. Imagine seeing Raider Red and Raider Rose side by side, waving their guns up in the air, cheering on their team, and hyping up the fans. They would have made for an iconic duo alongside the Masked Rider and their trusty new steed, Centennial Champion.

Maybe one day they'll bring her back as an official Texas Tech mascot, or even temporarily for a special event. I could see the university having Raider Rose make her return for Lady's Night at the rec center or for some sort of school anniversary. All we can do until then is cross our fingers and hope that she might make her grand return one day.

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