New Brewery Open In El Paso
The El Paso Brewing Company, located at 810 Texas Avenue, opened it's doors last week. That makes three breweries in El Paso now as EP Brewing joins Ode and Deadbeach.
Chris Louden, co-founder of craft beer club "Borderlands", doesn't believe El Paso will become over saturated with breweries. He told the El Paso Times that:
“Carlos [Guzman] like the other breweries in town are going to put out beer that represents what they love.” “I’m sure there will be some friendly competition, but It’s absolutely a community, the first people through [El Paso Brewing Company’s] door were from the other breweries in town."
Each of El Paso Brewing Company's seven craft beers has something to do with El Paso. They are: El Matador Mexican Vienna, Lagartos Red Ale, Mammoth Rock Belgian, Pa’ Chuco Pale Ale, Thunderbird American Lager, Whiptail Dunkelweizen and Wicked Felina IPA.