How Is the Forecast Looking for El Paso on Turkey Day 2020?
What’s Mother Nature cooking up for El Paso on Thanksgiving Day?
It won’t be record highs, but not exactly wintry either. The National Weather Service El Paso says all signs currently point to unseasonable warmth and no rain. The high on Thursday is expected to be at or above 70.
“Hoping for a cold, wet Thanksgiving? Well, how about some more above normal temperatures instead? Here's your early look at Thanksgiving's forecast. It is looking mild and dry. Not quite tropical, but may as well be given it is November. We do have the sand after all,” the NWS joked on social media, accompanying the text with a graphic of a sunglass-wearing turkey having a cocktail on a tropical island beach.
Perfect Sun Bowl parade attending weather … had it not been canceled. Although the Sun Bowl Association will continue the 84-year tradition of the Thanksgiving Day Sun Bowl Parade, it’s being presented as a prerecorded, virtual event this year.
For those who cannot be talked out of following current guidelines and mandates and insist on gathering with family and friends not part of their household, the likely mild and dry Thanksgiving will allow you to take it outside and stuff yourself with sunshine and air circulation.
It’s not the safest option, but if you won’t take no for an answer the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says it’s better than holding it inside.
Already thinking ahead to Christmas and hoping for a white one? Hate to disappoint but, as it stand right now, La Niña has other ideas.

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