According to reports, a man has been arrested after admitting to shooting his own mother on Mother's Day. The 22-year-old reportedly gifted his mother an Xbox controller, but an argument over the controller ensued which led to the shooting.

Unsplash via Afif Kusuma
Unsplash via Afif Kusuma

Reports say that a 22-year-old in Wayne County, Kentucky has been arrested and charged with attempted murder, assault, and criminal mischief after he admitted to shooting at his mother on Mother's Day. Apparently, the whole incident revolved around an Xbox controller.

Authorities reportedly received a call on Sunday night that said someone had been shot and was being transported to a nearby hospital. Authorities reportedly received a subsequent call that said the suspect in the shooting was at a neighbor's house and was waiting for the police to go and get him.

Unsplash via Oli Woodman
Unsplash via Oli Woodman

When authorities arrived, the 22-year-old suspect reportedly told them that he had gotten into a fight with his mother over an Xbox controller. The man told authorities that he had given the controller to his mother as a gift.

Reports add details from authorities that say the mother was leaving the house following the fight, but that is when her son fired a rifle at the vehicle subsequently hitting his mother.

The mother was reportedly transported to a local hospital, although her current condition is unknown.

Unsplash via Alexander Andrews
Unsplash via Alexander Andrews

The rifle that the man used was reportedly handed over to authorities.

See the full report from @WAFB on Twitter below.

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