Rain This Week Means You’ll See Bad El Paso Driving
People who move to El Paso from parts of the country that get more than a couple of inches of rain a year never can believe how crazy the city gets when we get weather like we are having this week. If there is rain of any kind in the forecast, every news station sends out all of their reporters in rain gear, pull out the super sexy graphics telling you where to find sandbags so your house doesn't turn into an indoor swimming pool, and do constant weather alerts. So what is it about the wet stuff falling from the sky that freaks us out?
Well, we live in the desert, so rain throws us for a loop, especially on the road. Here is a list of why we're so bad at driving in the rain.
1. We like to yell wheeeee wheee wheeee wheeeeeee like the pig in the commercial as we go barreling through puddles in the street. We hardly ever see them so can you blame us?
2. We think ‘hydroplaning’ sounds like a lot of fun. I hydroplaned a vehicle into a small hill off of the Executive Center off-ramp and I gotta tell you, it was a scream. Literally. I was screaming when I totaled my car. Whole lotta fun. Here's what to do if you hydroplane.
3. We forget to keep our eyes on the road because we’re too busy looking at all the pretty, pretty clouds in the sky. It's so much fun to find the dinosaurs and bunny rabbits while you drive. Of course you might want to check the road every now and again to keep from crashing into something.
4. We think that if we drive super fast, we’ll go between the raindrops so our ride won’t get dirty. It's the best way to keep from having to wait in the car wash line the day after the rain dries up.
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