New Duranguito Documentary Seeks Crowdfunding Campaign
It has been an eventful last week for Duranguito. Last Thursday, Judge Patrick Garcia of the 384th District Court denied the application for renewing a demolition ban for buildings in the Duranguito neighborhood. Immediately following the decision, the attorneys for Max Grossman filed a motion for Emergency Relief with the 8th Court of Appeals asking the court to delay the arena project including demolition until the Court fully reviews his appeal. The City's motion to recuse the 8th Court of Appeals was denied and they also granted Grossman's motion for Emergency Relief. Thus, the never ending arena soap opera continues.
Luka Productions, based out of Columbus Ohio, spent time in El Paso area and they interviewed many individuals involved in the Duranguito issue. They have produced a documentary entitled "Duranguito" which they say "focuses on the experiences of lower-income, elderly, Mexican-American women and immigrants in response to corruption and deceit." Specifically, it features Romelia Mendoza and Antonia “Toñita” Morales, the last two Duranguito residents and their battle to protect their home.
Luka Productions released a trailer for the film that features a pitch video director Nikki Martinez. They hope to raise money for the residents of the Duranguito area. Donations range from $10 up to $3,000 for an Executive Producer credit in the film.
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