EP Townsquare: El Paso Matters Bob Moore on COVID-19 & Borderland
How well is El Paso flattening the curve? As Texas opens up, how much is El Paso joining in? What about school this fall?
Helping us answer those COVID-19 questions this week on El Paso Townsquare is El Paso Matters President and CEO Robert Moore. (Click to play the interview in the video above.)
In less than half a year, El Paso Matters has shown why local journalism is more important than ever. Among its other scoops, the non-profit news website broke the news that Tornillo was becoming a COVID-19 hot spot, leading El Paso County to quickly change course, direct needed resources to the area and save lives.
To that end, El Paso Matters won one of three $100,000 grants from Facebook to local news organizations to tackle reporting on the novel coronavirus and how it's affecting the Borderland.
A finalist for the Pulitzer Prize this year for his work with The Washington Post, Moore is the former editor of the El Paso Times.
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