john cena

Amy Schumer Gives Intimate Details into Sex Scene with John Cena During Trainwreck [VIDEO]
Amy Schumer Gives Intimate Details into Sex Scene with John Cena During Trainwreck [VIDEO]
Amy Schumer Gives Intimate Details into Sex Scene with John Cena During Trainwreck [VIDEO]
Amy Schumer is quickly becoming the next big thing in Hollywood. The 34-year old stand up comic and New York native wrote and stars in the new hit film Trainwreck and she is making the talk show circuit to promote the film. Schumer was in Australia along with Trainwreck co-star Bill Hader discussing the film with a popular local TV talk show, when she was asked about the love scene with profession
Did Brock Lesnar Punch John Cena on Purpose?
Did Brock Lesnar Punch John Cena on Purpose?
Did Brock Lesnar Punch John Cena on Purpose?
On this week’s ‘Monday Night Raw’ Brock Lesnar picked up the microphone for the first time since his return to WWE the week prior. But before we had much time at all to tweet mean jokes about the timbre of Lesnar’s not-so-threatening voice, he was interrupted by a fired-up John Cena. What followed was a confrontation that saw Lesnar make an absolutely humongous impact…by socking John Cena right in
WWE Superstar CM Punk Interferes With a John Cena Match and Goes Off on the WWE Universe
WWE Superstar CM Punk Interferes With a John Cena Match and Goes Off on the WWE Universe
WWE Superstar CM Punk Interferes With a John Cena Match and Goes Off on the WWE Universe
The line between truth and fiction is constantly blurred in the world of professional wrestling.  Real life situations are often worked into the kayfabe storylines, but the audience usually has a good idea when they are being duped.  Superstar CM Punk blurred that line brilliantly on Monday's edition of WWE Raw.
Is the Summer Sports Season Really This Slow? My WWE Relapse
Is the Summer Sports Season Really This Slow? My WWE Relapse
Is the Summer Sports Season Really This Slow? My WWE Relapse
I'm not gonna lie, the recent death of Randy 'The Macho Man' Savage rekindled a love hate relationship I've always had with professional wrestling.  It has always been like a drug, or forbidden romance.  I know I should stay away, yet I cant.

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