What Would A Spy Balloon Get A Great View Of From The El Paso SkyWhat Would A Spy Balloon Get A Great View Of From The El Paso SkyIf a spy balloon EVER came to El Paso, it would certainly get a great shot of plenty landmarks here.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
Judge Samaniego Welcomes Danny Trejo and Charlie Clark to El PasoJudge Samaniego Welcomes Danny Trejo and Charlie Clark to El PasoCharlie Clark was joined by none other than his partner in crime, and fellow “Green Ghost” co-star, Danny Trejo. Also in attendance to help Charlie cut the red ribbon was El Paso County Judge Ricardo Samaniego.Iris LopezIris Lopez
Downtown El Paso Holds Many Secrets Like The Hidden Candy FactoryDowntown El Paso Holds Many Secrets Like The Hidden Candy FactoryIt's amazing what you can find while roaming around Downtown El Paso; like a hidden candy factory tucked away. But it's not hidden for long.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
Best Outdoor Places To Help You Relax & Unwind In El PasoBest Outdoor Places To Help You Relax & Unwind In El PasoWhen life & stress become too much, sometimes you need to go somewhere to relax & take a breath.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
El Paso Couple Turns Dream Into Reality With First Downtown Store, Viva La MochaEl Paso Couple Turns Dream Into Reality With First Downtown Store, Viva La MochaViva La Mocha held their grand opening back in December and the response from locals has been nothing but positive.Iris LopezIris Lopez
Mini-Golf Lovers Can Now Register For El Paso’s Downtown Barstool OpenMini-Golf Lovers Can Now Register For El Paso’s Downtown Barstool OpenThe Downtown Barstool Open is the largest mini-golf tournament El Paso has ever seen and this year it is bigger and better than ever!Iris LopezIris Lopez
Mariachi’s to Perform Your Favorite Christmas Songs at the Plaza TheaterMariachi’s to Perform Your Favorite Christmas Songs at the Plaza TheaterMariachi's + Christmas music= awesome!Joanna BarbaJoanna Barba
Buildings Lost In El Paso And What Happened To ThemBuildings Lost In El Paso And What Happened To ThemEl Paso has lost a number of buildings over the years. Some were on purpose, some weren't.Dubba GDubba G
Unique Bars You Can Find In Downtown El PasoUnique Bars You Can Find In Downtown El PasoWith many bars & restaurants in Downtown El Paso, there's a good chance you might overlook some. Here are 10 worth paying a visit.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
A New Mexico Skater Landed a Tricky & Popular Spot In El PasoA New Mexico Skater Landed a Tricky & Popular Spot In El PasoSo today is my final day working at KLAQ and wanted to highlight something that's gnarly but scary as hell.Veronica GonzalezVeronica Gonzalez