Best Outdoor Places To Help You Relax & Unwind In El Paso
Life can be very stressful. Sometimes you have days where your personal life, work, money issues, etc, all pile up & it can be too much at times. When that happens, it's important to take a step back & breathe. Maybe the best thing is to get away for a while; but where do you go? Where's the best place to go to relax in El Paso?
That's what a Reddit user asked on a thread that said "Need to clear my mind". A lot of people chimed in with some of their own suggestions:
Scenic Drive was a popular choice,
If not Scenic Drive, driving up to Trans-Mountain was mentioned. Getting a good look at the view below or going on the Franklin Mountain trails can clear your head.
Walking around Downtown was another popular choice. Just going to the San Jacinto Plaza and just taking a walk can really clear the mind sometimes. It looks even better at night.
One user says that Hueco Tanks is a very pleasant spot to watch a sunset
UTEP's Centennial Plaza was mentioned. If you've been to UTEP, you know that's a great place to take your dog, or just lay in the grass.
McKelligon Canyon was another popular choice. It's certainly a good place to relax when Cool Canyon Nights season rolls around.
A personal choice of mine is Ascarate Park. Something about seeing the ducks is soothing for me.
If you want to smell the roses, literally, there's the El Paso Municipal Rose Garden.
or the Keystone Heritage Park/Rose Garden.
Tom Lea Upper Park is another great spot.
If you're looking for somewhere OUTSIDE of El Paso but is not too far away, Elephant Butte, Carlsbad Caverns, White Sands & Bonito Lake are spots that all come to mind. Great ideal spots for a road trip when you want to get out for a bit.