Should the NCAA Punish Penn State for the Jerry Sandusky Scandal? — Sports Survey of the Day
Just when you thought you knew everything about the Jerry Sandusky scandal at Penn State, more information has come out. Things don’t look good for Penn State.The Jerry Sandusky story that broke in late 2011 was one of the worst scandals in sports. Despite Sandusky being found guilty, and many of the Penn State officials — including longtime football coach Joe Paterno — losing their jobs, the school is still under fire.
A report by former FBI director Louis Freeh concluded people at Penn State knew about the scandal as far back as 1998. They never came forward with the information to avoid bad press — ironic, considering the storm of bad press the school has endured in the last few months.
Now, many are calling for the NCAA to take action against the school itself, with some going so far as to say the football team should receive the “death penalty” due to a lack of institutional control.
Legendary coach Joe Paterno was fired because of the incident, and passed away shortly the scandal broke . The school administrators have also been fired, so does further action need to be taken against the university?