Local Artist Can Apply To Help Create 80th Anniversary Mural For El Paso County Coliseum
The El Paso County Coliseum is commemorating its 80th Anniversary in a very special way and they want the community to be a part of this celebration. Specifically community artists.
In a post shared earlier this month to the El Paso County Economic Development’s Facebook page, El Paso County officials announced that they would be looking for local artists to assist them in a mural project that they want to be painted on the El Paso County Coliseum.
The mural will be showcased on the wall that faces Delta Drive. The wall space is approximately 225 feet wide by 15 feet tall.
Local artists who are interested in creating a special mural for the anniversary are encouraged to submit a proposal to the county’s Economic Development Department by Thursday, December 1st.
Proposals should include contact information, a proposed design that reflects the history of the county coliseum along with a sketch of the design and a brief explanation.
A resume, budget, and a timeline of the proposed project should also be included in the proposal.
Interested artists are asked to email all of this information to Valerie Venecia, Heritage Tourism Coordinator via email: VVenecia@epcounty.com
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