5 “Cool” Things About El Paso Snow Storms
"Snowmageddon" has come and gone for El Paso. As usual, no real accumulation but it's nice to get a little taste of winter.
Some people don't like snow, or even winter for that matter, but there are several nice things about snow in El Paso. Here are 5 ...
#1 Like Monopoly Get Out Of Jail Free cards, snow in El Paso is a Get Out Of "Whatever" card.
If snow is even rumored in El Paso, schools and city/state/federal offices either start later or close completely. If it actually does snow, forget it ... EVERYTHING closes. Seriously, El Pasoans who work at HOME will call in on a snow day.
#2 No Snow Shoveling - Even if there is enough snow to get in your way, don't worry ... it will melt before #1 is lifted. To be honest, I'm not even sure where you can buy a snow shovel in El Paso.
#3 The area where Asarco once stood, buried underneath snow, actually looks nice.
#4 Fun with the family. Since the kids aren't in school and you're not at work, you can build a snowman or get a snowball fight going. Assuming there's enough snow, quantity is kinda hit and miss in the 915. No kids? Even better, you can day drink.
#5 You can finally wear that heavy jacket you bought after the winter of 2021. That was the year we realized, even in the desert, we need winter stuff. Haven't needed to wear much more than a hoody since then but at least this storm let us get the good stuff out.
For a minute anyway.
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Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins
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