Celebrities Who Voted for El Paso Rhinos to Win Kraft Hockeyville
The El Paso Rhinos were in the top 4 for the Kraft Hockeyville competition this past week. We had this weekend to vote unlimited times right before they closed the poll.
On Sunday, August 30, the Kraft Hockeyville winner was set to be announced during the New York Islanders and Philidelphia Flyers game. The time came where the Kraft Hockeyville announced the El Paso Rhinos as the winners for the competition.
The El Paso community stepped it up to vote unlimited times and help move the Rhinos to the winning streak. I am so proud and happy we all came through to get our El Paso Rhinos to the finish line, but not only did the votes from our community help but so did the votes from some celebrities.
El Paso is definitely strong and has a great support system from some celebrities as well.
It is a great feeling to have when our community had some extra help with votes from a handful of celebrities.
There were even some local celebrities who also chipped in their two cents asking you to vote.
The local celebrities you will recognize are Duke Keith, Steve Kaplowitz, Beto O' Rourke, Mayor Margo, Chico, Ozzie, and the Amigo Man.
Other celebrities that were rooting for our Rhinos to win Kraft Hockeyville were Aaron and Alvin Jones, Jennifer Hahn, Cinta de Oro, Chris Jericho, Dean Cain, Shim, and Jesse James Dupree.
Before the Kraft Hockeyville voting was open to the public some of the celebrities shared the link on their social media. While other celebrities like Cinta de Oro, Aaron Jones, Dean Cain, Beto O'Rourke and Jennifer Hahn recorded themselves asking you to support and vote for the Rhinos.
So not only did YOUR vote help our hockey team win the $150,000 rink upgrades but also an NHL game in the future.
Hear what Cory Herman had to say when he was interviewed by Alex Kyrias of the North American Hockey League above. You can also see the celebrities that were also rooting for our El Paso Rhinos below.
The last clip is of Nate Ryan an anchor for Abc 7 news showing the opening of the envelope for the final results of the Kraft Hockeyville winner.