Phil Villarreal

‘Darksiders II’ Finds A Release Date, ‘South Park’ RPG Loses One
Just as dude who wants to keep his girlfriend happy but doesn’t want to get married will propose without setting a date, game publishers sometimes keep rabid fans at bay by giving games vague release dates like “summer” or “August.”

Is ‘Grand Theft Auto V’ Hitting Shelves Early?
If you study the right subjects, know the right people and are good enough at what you do, you can make a healthy living just predicting what you think others will do. Such is the charmed life of those who work at Wedbush Securities, which has peaked into the crystal ball and forecasted Grand Theft Auto V hitting shelves in October.

‘Madden NFL 13′ Cover Lets You Be The Ball
If you’ve ever wondered what a football might see as it speeds into the outstretched arms of Detroit Lions receiver Calvin Johnson, wonder no more. Also, you need better things to think about in your spare time.

Will ‘Dead Space 3′ Trade Space Station Corridors for a Winter Wonderland?
Rumor has it drastic changes are afoot for the Dead Space series, which replicates the thrills and chills of the Alien movies so well that it practically feels as though Ridley Scott cribbed from the notebook of Dead Space hero Isaac Clarke. But there are so many metallic corridors you can slink through before things start to get a little old, which is why we’re pleased to hear the setting for the

Alex Tanney, Trick Shot Quarterback, Gets NFL Tryout
Division III football players usually have as much of a shot at playing in the NFL as our dead grandma but the age of technology has opened up things a bit for anyone with an arm and a camera to turn some heads. If your arm is strong enough, your video is flashy enough and some awful team is desperate enough, anything can happen.

Vita Bundled With Free Mortal Kombat and Memory Card
Sony may be stubbornly refusing to lower the price of its slow-selling Vita handheld, but at least retailers are stepping up to toss in some awesome stuff in for free in order to make the system a sexier buy. Maybe not Kate Upton sexy, but certainly at least Mileena sexy.

Nintendo Overlord Kicks Vita While It’s Down
Executives who work for gaming giants tend to speak in dull platitudes about the competition, so it’s always refreshing to see a suit not only take the gloves off, but pick one up and smack a rival in the face with it.

‘The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses Tour’ Review
We swear to you that this is not a review of an orchestra concert, OK? So hear us out before you close out this window and get back to your Facebook stalking.

Cough Up $30, Get ‘Max Payne 3′ DLC Until Football Season
There are two ways to look at downloadable content: That publishers are holding back some good stuff in order to bleed some more money out of you, or that the new stuff is a sign that they’ve been hard at work making new levels and maps, extending the life of your purchase.

Jiggly Boobs, See-Thru Shirts Star In ‘Dead or Alive 5′
The Dead or Alive fighter series has always worked its sales pitches like this: Come for the bouncing racks sported by its comely fighters, stay for the balanced brawling and finely-tuned physics.