This is why we can’t have nice things!

What was supposed to be a friendly youth football game in the borderland turned into a fight between… ADULTS!

A video was shared with local news station KFOX which featured two fights that took place at the Westside Sports Complex this past Saturday.

In the first video shared you can see both teams have ended the game and are doing what most youth football teams do at the end of a game; high five every player on the opposing team to let them know they had a good game.

Soon after, an altercation began between coaches on opposite teams and you can see other coaches and parents jump in to try and help the situation, but the situation gets even worse.

At one point you can see a punch being thrown and a person falls to the ground, but the scariest part of this video is the little girl in pink who isn’t sure what’s going on and is just walking around the commotion.

Thankfully that little princess was not harmed in the whole commotion, but seeing the video and how quickly it escalated was very very disappointing to see.

We don’t know the whole story behind what led to the fight, but I am pretty sure whatever it was it could have been handled in a more mature way.

Youth sports are supposed to teach young kids about sportsmanship and respecting your opponent regardless of whether you won or lost the game.

For those young kids to see their parents AND coaches in that position was probably frightening and also disappointing for the little one’s too.

Since this seemed to be a city league, KFOX reached out to the city to ask if there were any security guards during the game and the city responded:

“There was no security present, but security has been requested for the remainder of the season. An investigation into each incident is thoroughly reviewed as to the individual(s) involved, team(s) involved and disciplinary action is taken on a case-by-case basis.”

This video was disturbing to watch because I have read stories like this that have had worse endings than this one, so while I’m glad no one was seriously injured during this altercation I am still disappointed to see what occurred, but I am sure those adults have learned their lesson. Or at least I hope they did.

“You Belong” Mural


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