Aaron Jones Appears on Family Feud with NFLPA Rising Stars
Last night, a familiar face was on the popular TV show Celebrity Family Feud. El Pasoan and Green Bay Packers running back Aaron Jones joined a team of Rising Stars from the NFL Players Association and they faced off against Pro Football Hall of Famers. Jones was first introduced by host Steve Harvey at the 2:22 mark of the video below.
Aaron and the Rising Stars did not advance to "Fast Money" but the ultimate moment came when Hall of Fame defensive lineman Bruce Smith was asked the following question: "If Captain Hook was moonlighting as a handyman, he might replace his hook with what tool?" Smith's first answer was "hammer", which had already been used by Michael Irvin. When Harvey asked him to try again, Smith hesitated for another answer before he uttered a word that will go down in TV history.
At first, Harvey moved on to ask the next question (you only get 25-seconds for the Fast Money round), but then he said a word that was bleeped out on television, paused and stopped the game while the studio audience burst into laughter. Without giving away this terrific moment, you can watch it below around the 4:00 mark.
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