February is here AKA the month of Love. This month of love isn’t just about sharing your love for another human being or for your pet, it’s also a month to share your love for your favorite Downtown El Paso business!

The El Paso Downtown Management District has declared the month of February as “Love Downtown Businesses Month and they want locals to join in on spreading the love.

This February, you can show your favorite downtown business some love by writing them a love letter. Yes, a good ole fashioned love note.

Courtesy: El Paso Downtown Management
Courtesy: El Paso Downtown Management

Every love letter you write will enter you for a chance to win a staycation in Downtown El Paso provided by Aloft El Paso Downtown and a three-gift card bundle to enjoy your staycation!

Downtown is full of AMAZING businesses so if you have more than one fave don’t worry. You can write them all a love letter! 

Love Downtown Businesses will begin February 1st and run until February 28th so make sure that you submit your love letters by 5 p.m. on Monday, February 28th.

Once you are ready to drop off your Love Letter, visit the specialized marked mailboxes in Downtown El Paso (San Jacinto Plaza, Henry Trost, South El Paso St.).

Courtesy: El Paso Downtown Management
Courtesy: El Paso Downtown Management

 Don't forget to add the business’ name and your contact information on the outside of the envelope. Your contact information will be needed to be entered into the Love Downtown Businesses Raffle that will take place on March 2nd

How it works:

  • Write a love letter for a Downtown El Paso business during February. Not sure which businesses are eligible? Check out our directory at www.downtownelpaso.com.
  • Make sure to include the BUSINESS NAME and YOUR EMAIL & PHONE NUMBER on the outside of your letter or envelope. We’ll need your contact info to reach you if you’re our lucky winner! If you are writing more than one letter, please address them separately.
  • Drop it in one of our special “Love Downtown Businesses” mailboxes (No postage necessary!)
  • OR mail your letter to: El Paso DMD Attention: Business Name – Love Letter 201 E Main St #107, El Paso, TX 79901

Now, if you’re not sure which Downtown business is your favorite, maybe I can help. Here’s a look at the downtown businesses I would write a love letter to and what I would send to them:

Mona Bar of Modern Art: 410 1/2 E San Antonio

Dear Mona, 

Thanks for always knowing the right amount of Tequila to pour in my Tequila and soda water drink. Not too much tequila, not too much soda water. It’s always just right! And for that reason, I love you.

Viva La Mocha: 201 E San Antonio

Dear Viva La Mocha, 

Thanks for making the coolest shirts and for being a daily reminder of what “El Paso Strong” really is. I love you.


The Berkeley: 317 E Mills

Dear The Berkley,

Thanks for providing a classy space where I don’t need to yell over loud music when I’m trying to enjoy a classy night out with my friends. I love you and your soft fancy couches.

The Tap: 408 E San Antonio Ave.

Dear The Tap, 

Thank you for existing, however if you could go back to staying open until 2 a.m. on the weekends that would be great. But regardless, I still love you and your margaritas and nachos and enchiladas and spicy salsa!

New York Gourmet Deli: 203 Mills

Dear NY Gourmet Deli,

We’ve only known each other for two months but in those two months, you’ve been good to me! Thanks for serving delicious subs and for giving me a place to not only buy lunch, but a place to buy tums, midnight snacks, tylenol, and whatever else I need after a long night out.


New York Gourmet Deli

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