Utep Football Coach Dana Dimel’s Favorite Musical Artist Is….
Stadium which is a source for sports news and information reached out to ask 130 head coaches the toughest question. Recently Stadium reached out to Head Coach Dana Dimel and was asked who his favorite musical artist is. Now this question is always a tough one to answer because we have more than just one. Dana Dimel's favorite musical artist to the toughest question came in fourth place. Dana Dimel's top pick was the Eagles that came in a two-way tie with a country artist, George Strait.
Dana Dimel was one of the three head coaches that picked the Eagles as their favorite musical artist. I was extremely happy to see that one of my many favorites, Dave Matthews Band make the cut taking 3rd place. One head coach that stood out to me who shared another favorite musical artist of mine was Geoff Collins of Georgia Tech. Geof Collins was the ONLY one who picked Stick Figure as his favorite musical artist. The majority of the votes mostly went to the country and rock genres. Listen to my favorite song that I believe Dana Dimel would approve of above.
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