The Heat Is On So Head To These Free El Paso Cooling Centers
Summers in El Paso, amirite? The minute you open your eyes and check your phone you know that it's going to be a scorcher because it's already in the upper 70s at seven o'clock in the morning. As the day goes on it only gets hotter which isn't so bad if you work or live in a place that has real air conditioning, like Mike calls refrigerated air. But what happens if you don't? Chances are you are just going to sit around and turn into a puddle of sweat and wish that there was somewhere you could go and cool the heck off.
There is such a nirvana. Actually, there are a number of nirvanas and they are the cooling centers that are run by the City of El Paso. During extreme weather of any kind, the City opens centers where you can go and hide out from that weather for a little while. During the winter you can go to their heating centers, but during the summer months which are way more brutal and longer lasting than our mild winters, you can head out to the City's free cooling centers.
The cooling centers are designed mainly for elderly residents who might not have access to air conditioning but they are open to the every resident of El Paso. Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, you are not required to wear a face mask, but it is strongly encouraged as per the City's press release on the cooling centers. The centers are open Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., Friday and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., and Sunday from noon to 7 p.m.
Cooling Centers Locations
• Galatzan Rec Center, 650 Wallenberg Dr.
• Veterans Rec Center, 5301 Salem Dr.
• Chamizal Rec Center, 2101 Cypress Ave.
• Gary Del Palacio Rec Center, 3001 Parkwood St.
• Officer David Ortiz Rec Center, 563 North Carolina Dr.
• Valle Bajo Community Center, 7380 Alameda Ave.
• Marty Robbins Rec Center, 11620 Vista del Sol Dr.
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