Sacha Heppell admits it -- he used to have a job standing on street corners as a business mascot. To make people notice him, he started dancing. Now he wants to be in the big-time. Broadway? Vegas? The cast of "Glee"? Nope. Denver Broncos cheerleader...Hey, a dream has to start somewhere.
Terry Thompson made international news last October when he released many of his 60-plus exotic animals from his private zoo in Zanesville, Ohio just prior to taking his own life with a gun. His alleged motive: his wife cheated on him.
A hot threesome with two beautiful women while everyone is under a drug-induced thrall is commonly cited as a male fantasy. Jerry Streng tried to live that dream, but quickly discovered the Sophomoric adage is true: all great plans won’t get you laid but they might get you screwed.
A Billings, Montana hospital denied a patient’s demand for prescription painkillers, so the patient did the only logical thing — he shot himself in the ankle.
William Joseph Knowles had fractured his shin and was hobbling around Hollywood, Fla. on crutches last week when two women approached, one in nothing but a bikini. “Finally,” he thought “this injury is going to work in my favor.” Nope. They tried to mug him.
In a little over a minute, this guy quickly crushes 22 beer cans using nothing but his forehead. Don’t worry about him killing brain cells, those suckers kicked the bucket right after he chugged that 22 beer.