Welcome to another addition of Icetime with the Iceman Brandon Cohn
Today's show includes a discussion about El Paso High's historic Jones Stadium, NFL news involving Chad Johnson, replacement officials, Peyton Manning, and Robert Griffin III as well as Andrew Luck...
If you have never attended a football game at El Paso High's Jones Stadium, it is highly recommended. Recently Max Preps, a premiere Internet source for high school sports, ranked Jones Stadium as one of the top 10 high school stadiums in the country to see before you die.
It's hard to believe, but the 2011 high school season is nearly a month old. I am incredibly excited for the game of the week. For one week the 5A superpowers are taking a backseat to the two oldest schools in the city. For the 80th time El Paso High and Austin will battle each other for the Claw.