A huge grant will allow Sun Metro to connect the far east side with Downtown.

The Federal Transit Administration has awarded El Paso Sun Metro $28.22 million dollars to get what is known as the "Montana Brio" up and running. They posted the following announcement on their Facebook page:

Today, we're happy to announce a $28.22 million #CIG grant to the City of El Paso's Sun Metro for the Montana Rapid Transit Corridor project, a 16.8-mile bus rapid transit #BRT system that will provide faster, more reliable transit service to important destinations in downtown El Paso, the El Paso International Airport & the Far East Transfer Center.

According to the El Paso Herald Post, the project will also allow for the construction of a bus station at the El Paso International airport and amenities like ticket stations, landscaping, better pedestrian lighting, benches and bike racks. Assuming the Coronavirus doesn't leave us all to sick to go anywhere, the new route and features should be pretty cool.

For more info, click here and/or here.

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