Running Of The Bulls 5K Coming To Downtown El Paso
If you are into running ... from fake bulls ... this is for you.
The 3rd annual Running Of The Bulls 5K happens October 19th. The 5K will also feature a fun run/walk. Details from downtownelpaso.com are:
$25 (includes shirt, draw string bag, koozie, post-race meal, and more.)
-Pre and Post Race Activities at Oregon & Franklin Parking Lot
-Activities include DJ, Bounce House, Photo Booth, “Bulls”, and movie character costume contestMedals for 1st, 2nd and 3rd, Male and Female in the following age groups:
o 15 & Under o 16-21 o 22-35 o 36-45 o 46-55 o 56-65 o 66-over
Awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place TEAMS
Dress as your favorite movie character and you could win some CASH. The event starts at 9am and will feature "celebrity" bulls like Bully The Kid, Chuck Debuller, Fall Out Bull and more. For more details, click here or here. To register, click here.
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