Welcome to a special Halloween edition of Deep Dish Sports with the Iceman Brandon Cohn.

This week's show includes a discussion on whether or not to vote for Proposition 3, the Dallas Cowboys mediocre season, the UTEP Miners and their remaining 3 games, and the start of the UTEP basketball season is right around the corner.

My special thanks to KTSM Channel 9 sports anchor Aaron Rich for joining me on Deep Dish Sports.  If you would like to contact Aaron, email him at Aaronarich@ktsm.com, follow him on Twitter @aaronrichsports, or friend him on Facebook at Aaron Richsports.

If you would like to contact the Iceman, email me at bcohn@krod.com, follow me on Twitter @buddies1023, or friend me on Facebook at Brandon Cohn


"The first thing that people need to understand, and it's crucial that they understand, is that the ballpark is being built.  There seems to be this misconception that you know if people vote down Proposition 3 that there will be a halt on building the ballpark, that's not true"



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