Orioles Streaker Gets Lifetime Ban From Stadium
Banned for life! That’s the penalty Mark Harvey, the man who streaked onto the Camden Yards field in Baltimore, Maryland on Orioles opening day, received. Okay, while Harvey didn’t technically streak, since he actually wore a pair of Batman underwear and a cape, he’s still out on his ace.
Harvey told Baltimore radio station WJZ that his action was fueled by his desire to elicit a chuckle. “It was my birthday, and I just love to make people laugh and get them going,” he said. We’re sure that the parents who took their kids to game are glad he didn’t flash his birthday suit. “So I was like, what’s better than to go on opening day and do it.” Uh, a grown man wearing a cap and underwear is more creepy than funny.
Security gave chase, then tackled the Batman. The tackle is why he doesn’t recommend emulating his actions.
Charges have been dropped but he is no longer welcome at the stadium. That doesn’t mean he has learned his lesson.
“You know what? Batman might be back,” he said about possibly donning the Underoos and cape again. Uh, please don’t.
[Via Washington Post]