Multiple Fatalities Reported After Accident with Andrews High School Bus in Big Spring
UPDATED 7:35pm, November 19, 2021:
Friday night's Class 4A Division I high school football playoff game between Andrews and Springtown was postponed in the aftermath of the bus accident. The game was scheduled to be played in Sweetwater. The game may be played on Saturday pending discussions between both schools and the UIL.
At least two people were killed Friday afternoon in Big Spring and after a vehicle collided with an Andrews High School charter bus. The accident happened on the Interstate 20 service road at mile marker 179 some time after 4pm.
Newswest 9 in Midland/Odessa reported the vehicle that collided with the Andrews High School bus was traveling the wrong way on the service road.
According to Andrews ISD, the members of the marching band were on board the bus at the time of the accident: "The bus had members of the marching band on board. Administrators are working to serve the needs of our students and their families. We cannot confirm anything else at this time."
Within the first hour after the accident, Texas DPS said two people were killed in the accident. DPS also stated that no students were reported among the fatalities at that time.
Newswest 9 video also showed life-flight helicopters and ambulances gathered at the scene of the accident.
Authorities had traffic reduce speeds on Interstate 20 in Big Spring in the aftermath of the deadly accident and portions of the service road were closed.
As of 7pm on Friday night, the identities of the two people killed had not been released, and Texas DPS had not released any additional information concerning the accident.

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