Editor's note: Sebastian Perez-Navarro is a recent graduate from Eastwood High School and intends to study journalism and broadcasting in college this fall. He hopes to spend his first two years at UTEP for his basics before transferring to another school to study broadcast journalism. He has served as the athletics play-by-play broadcaster for Eastwood's Film and Broadcast program over his high school tenure. As he prepares for his fall internship with 600 ESPN El Paso, Sebastian wrote an opinion article on Chad Gable. 

By: Sebastian Perez-Navarro

Since 776 B.C The Olympics have ruled the sporting world, becoming one of— if not the most prestigious sporting event in the world. 

Because of that, it’s important we respect all athletes who dare to compete. 

Well, at least hold the majority, but if their name is Chad Gable, then by all means feel free to tell them to “shushhh” if they boast. 

The road to pettiness. 

Wrestler Charles Edward Betts took a similar road to World Wrestling Entertainment as seen by the likes of WWE Hall Of Famer & Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle. In 2012 the then amateur wrestler qualified and competed in the London Olympics under the 185 pound Greco Roman Wrestling division. Within the same year Betts achieved a Gold Medal Win in the Pan American Championships, paired alongside the title of The USA Greco-Roman Wrestler of the year. 

Despite his success, Betts didn’t feel that he could continue to grow in the amateur  scene. So, in what’s still seen as a risky move by those in the competitive wrestling community, Charles Betts signed with the WWE in 2013. 

Due to the differentiating nature between Greco-Roman and Entertainment wrestling, Betts started out in the company's Performance Center in Orlando Florida. Within the humble facility that can fit at most 300 people, Betts would accustom himself to a different type of wrestling, and transform into a superstar personality, and certified insolent… Chad Gable. 

2015 was Gable’s chance to do the hardest thing that any wrestler can be tasked with, Get Over, as Gable was called up from the Performance Center to WWEs developmental brand NXT. Luckily, he didn’t have to go through the journey alone. Fellow former amateur wrestler Jason Jordan was now missing a partner, and even though he doubted Gable, Jordan would eventually welcome the newcomer to pair with him, forming the tandem “American Alpha”. Fortunately for Gable, the duo was successful, working their way through the NXT Tag Team division with their efforts culminating at NXT Takeover Dallas, where “American Alpha” beat Heel Duo “The Revival '' for the NXT Tag Team Championships. The pair would hold the titles for 68 days. 

You’d think that Betts’s illustrious career in amateur wrestling and his early success in NXT would make him carry himself with high decorum, but what WWE fans have seen from the now transformed Chad Gable is a man desperate to win.

Frustration Builds

It’d be kind to describe Chad Gables move to the main roster as tough. 

Upon moving to Monday Night Raw Chad Gable was lost in the shuffle, constantly migrating between various tag team partners, and if there’s anything to take away from the Mcmahon era, it’s that the practice of forming multiple tag teams is a death sentence for new talent. 

However in 2019 Gable finally began to form some momentum as a singles superstar, making it all the way to the “King Of The Ring” Tournament Final. 

Sadly, Mcmahon thought that was more than enough success for Gable and brought out the shovel. Because not more than a month later Chad Gable now found himself as “Shorty G”.

Obviously, going from a serious Olympic personality to wearing a onesie with a big "G" on it with a name that seems plagiarized from a kids cartoon show could be frustrating for anyone. But when Triple H began to take helm, Gable was back, and this time he had no interest in being a cartoon character. 

Triple H built Gable up in a faction alongside wrestler “Otis” and would call them “The Alpha Academy”. Finally, Gable was able to show the wrestling world why he belonged in the professional scene, and because of it, he was gaining traction. The faction gave his character a sense of seriousness , and similar to Angle spraying milk on everybody, Gable didn’t bypass the goofy elements, instead adding more depth to his characters by adopting the custom of whenever he heard something blatantly wrong he’d yell "SHOOOOOOOOOSH PLEASE!"

The saying was so popular that I used it all the time— let’s just say my producer skills were on point in my old high school studio. 


The crushing blow 

Late last year Chad Gable worked his way up to the peak of the mountain once again, earning himself a title opportunity versus the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion: 


On Sept. 4 of 2023 in Charlotte, North Carolina’s Spectrum Center, Gable had the chance to fight for the opportunity to be champion once again, and in the crowd were his child and wife. But after a grueling battle, he failed. 

He’d fight for more opportunities, but just couldn’t get the job done. 

And on April 15 of this year, Gable snapped. After coaching Sami Zayn to a win at Wrestlemania 40 over Gunther, Zayn gave Gable the chance to fight for the IC title, but he lost again, and when sinking in the fact that the title he held in such high regard would never be in his possession Chad Gable would go up to Sami Zayn and from behind he’d deliver a German Suplex to him as Zayn was embracing his wife and celebrating in his home state of Quebec Canada. 

If that isn’t inhumane enough for you then don’t worry, there’s more. Gable’s power trip is incomparable, as now it’s a weekly occurrence that he belittles his faction constantly calling them losers. 

Oh, and Otis, the guy that helped Gable gain traction again? Well, in the Memorial Day edition of Raw, Gable attempted to provide his “friend” with some whippings delivered by his belt.

Let’s break kayfabe

When looking at the story in a constructive manner I can’t help but put it in a perfect spotlight. 

I began watching the WWE in 2018, and when Gable had his push a year later I was largely behind him. Disappointingly, McMahon had other plans. But now, I care about his stories again, and so does the rest of the WWE Universe. A crowd which can’t help but link the constant similarities between heel Chad Gable and heel Kurt Angle. Both of which are ruthless, olympians, and ridiculous in their own ways. 

Chad, you’re doing a great job at being the bad guy, but if I'm going to compare you to Kurt Angle then I'm not holding my punches when I yell at you through my TV screen.

While we chant “You Suck!” at Kurt Angle for fun, I think Chad deserves it because of how good he is at being a Wapish Crank. 

If I ever get the chance to meet him, I'd like to tell him personally… "YOU SUCK!"

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