Flower Mound, Texas Youth Football Team is ‘Too Good’, Kicked Out of Playoffs
I remember playing a Little League game when I was around 10-years-old where the opposing team had a pitcher on the mound who between his fastball and mustache looked to be at least twenty-five, to 10-year-old me at least.
I recall vividly my coach gathering us up in the dugout before the first pitch and asking "Is anyone afraid to face this guy?" I looked at the giant warming up on the mound and wanted to raise my hand, I didn't, but I wanted to. It's a good thing I didn't, cause after his rhetorical question he sharply added "If so, take a seat. We don't need you tonight."
I don't remember how well I did at the plate that night, but I'll always remember my coach's words.
Rebels’ coach, Ragan Montero, said Rhett Taylor, who is vice president of the Keller Youth Association is trying to change the rules to suit his team. "He's a sore loser. That's all it comes down to,” Montero said. "He's changing the rules so it benefits him."
That takes us to The Flower Mound Rebels, a rambunctious football team made up of 7-year-olds and 8-year-olds, who, like the kid I played against are just so good. But the difference here is they've been kicked out of their league's playoffs because of it.
The Rebels are dominating. They've got a perfect record and have outscored their opponents 199-6 in the first seven games of the season. That's a lot more points than the opposition.
In fairness an exception was made to allow Flower Mound into Keller Youth Association league after COVID. So are they right to give their own teams a fighting chance? Or is this a case of everyone gets a trophy? READ MORE HERE and let us know what you think.
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