These Two Nail Salon Workers Fighting in El Paso is Wild
This is your warning that this video is NSFW (not suitable for work).
El Pasoans are passionate. We're passionate about our city, we're passionate about our sports teams, we're passionate about our beliefs and apparently we're passionate about our nail salons.

Nail salons are very popular- getting your nails done is a big deal to some people. Sometimes, people are very faithful to their nail tech, other times, well, you just want the job done.
Apparently the drama at nail salons is also very popular. In a video posted on Twitter, @cheaptimes915, two nail salon workers, get give their clientele a show that is worthy of FitFam.
Again the video is NSFW.
With the caption "In El Paso everybody hates everybody" this video hasn't reached viral status.
But it did capture my attention when I heard the (assumed) employee tell the woman to go back where she came from. That is such an awful thing to say! All the while, the one client is just trying to get a pedicure!
Obviously, this looks like it's at Bassett Place, and while I haven't been there for a mani/pedi, it does look empty, so the assumed employee isn't wrong about that; it IS pretty empty.
While we don't know what happened before the person started recording, I find it a bit cringe and embarrassing that these two workers would act this way in front of clients! Is this an El Paso thing? I'm sure there have been worst fights at nail salons across the country!