Donald Sterling needs to be ousted, Marge Schott-style
NBA Commissioner Adam Silver has a huge decision to make real soon. He has controversy thrust on his lap that former commissioner David Stern never had to deal. Longtime Los Angeles Clippers owner, Donald Sterling, has allegedly been caught on tape saying racist comments to his girlfriend-- telling her not to bring, "black people to his games."
If the audio turns out to be Sterling's voice, then Silver needs to do everything in his power to rid the NBA of Donald Sterling-- just as Major League Baseball did with former Cincinnati Reds owner, Marge Schott, in the 1990s. Then Acting MLB Commissioner, Bud Selig, and the other 27 MLB owners used their collective bargaining to rid themselves of black eye in the sport in Marge Schott. Schott had been caught making racist remarks that bruised a sport that took great pride in having being the first to break the race barrier in 1947-- when the Brooklyn Dodgers added Jackie Robinson to the roster.
Now Adam Silver finds himself in a position where he needs to act fast decisively to heal this black eye made, allegedly, by Sterling. The differences start with the fact that MLB has anti-trust protection, the NBA does not. Even in the '90s, African-American made of less than 20% of active MLB players-- the percentage of overall minorities, however, that number exponentially grows. In the NBA, African-American players make up of almost 80% of league rosters. This makes, in my view, Sterling's alleged comments that much more despicable. How can an owner of an NBA team have this opinion of a people that make up of about 80% of his own team's roster-- not to mention has a black head coach?
After all is said and done, Commissioner Silver needs to come to the decision that Donald Sterling cannot remain the owner of the LA Clippers. The other 29 owners need to their part to ensure that Sterling is ousted from the sport and rid themselves of a pariah within the sport of basketball.
You can listen to the audio of Sterling's alleged comments below.
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