Texas Looking At Ways To Change State Transportation For The BetterTexas Looking At Ways To Change State Transportation For The BetterAs the Lone Star State continues to grow in size, adjustments are being looked at to make traveling in Texas easier. What could they be?Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise
NEW RULES: Delayed Flight With Airlines? Get A Cash RefundNEW RULES: Delayed Flight With Airlines? Get A Cash RefundPassengers have new right when it comes to delayed and cancelled flights.Lucky LarryLucky Larry
Texas Officials Plan to ‘Seize’ Land to Make Space for High-Speed TrainsTexas Officials Plan to ‘Seize’ Land to Make Space for High-Speed TrainsTexas lawmakers plan to use eminent domain for a high-speed rail connecting Houston-Dallas, reducing travel time to 90 minutes.Tara HolleyTara Holley
Are Driverless Cars Safe??Are Driverless Cars Safe??Self-driving cars have been hitting the market hard in the past year, and while the innovation would change transportation forever, they're not quite ready to take over yetChrisChris
The Texas Bridges Give Texans Lots Of Anxiety When Crossing ThemThe Texas Bridges Give Texans Lots Of Anxiety When Crossing ThemThey're high, narrow and terrifying.Lucky LarryLucky Larry
Could a Rail System be Coming to Arizona?Could a Rail System be Coming to Arizona?Phoenix is the only major city without a rail system. Could that change in the near future?Chris CappialiChris Cappiali
Ride Sun Metro or ELP Streetcar To The 2019 Sun Bowl GameRide Sun Metro or ELP Streetcar To The 2019 Sun Bowl GameSun Metro and the El Paso Streetcar are making it super easy to get to this year’s Sun Bowl Game on Tuesday, December 31, 2019.MonikaMonika