new york mets

This Is Why Correa Deal with NY Mets Is Delayed & Will Get Done
This Is Why Correa Deal with NY Mets Is Delayed & Will Get Done
This Is Why Correa Deal with NY Mets Is Delayed & Will Get Done
Major League Baseball fans are growing impatient with the cat and mouse game going on between super-agent Scott Boras and New York Mets owner Steve Cohen, involving the contract of Carlos Correa. The issue at hand? Correa's lower leg injury, that appears significant enough that the San Francisco Giants pulled away a $350 million deal and now the Mets are keeping the All Star infielder at a little less than arms-length for the same reason. Rumors came out on Thursday night that Correa's agent has reached out to other clubs. That may be true but Correa will end up a Met and this is why.
Former Red Sox Star Thinks This New York Met May Be Best Ever
Former Red Sox Star Thinks This New York Met May Be Best Ever
Former Red Sox Star Thinks This New York Met May Be Best Ever
When you want to find out who is the best at something, you ask people that are in the same business. You ask people that compete against that person or business. When it comes to great Major League Baseball players, a guy like former Boston Red Sox star, Los Angelas Dodgers' outfielder Mookie Betts is probably a solid reference. Betts dished out some hefty praise on a New York Mets pitcher on Wednesday night and that player had nothing to do with Timmy Trumpet.

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