Drug Tunnel Discovered In El Paso. How Long Has It Been There?Drug Tunnel Discovered In El Paso. How Long Has It Been There?Officials are moving quickly to seal up the passageway Ryan KramerRyan Kramer
Biden's Disastrous Cigarette Ban Could Benefit Cartels Near AZBiden's Disastrous Cigarette Ban Could Benefit Cartels Near AZThis final push to ban cigarettes could have serious, unintended consequences in Arizona.ValVal
The Strangest Drug Hiding Spots in TexasThe Strangest Drug Hiding Spots in TexasDrugs have been found in some of the weirdest & craziest hiding spots in Texas.Daniel PaulusDaniel Paulus
Texas Officials Warn Parents About Deadly Galaxy Gas TrendTexas Officials Warn Parents About Deadly Galaxy Gas TrendWhat is the Galaxy Gas trend and why are Texas officials warning parents in Texas?Chad HastyChad Hasty
Check Out This Traffic Stop By Texas DPS Leading to Big Drug BustCheck Out This Traffic Stop By Texas DPS Leading to Big Drug Bust16 pounds of cocaine and 2 pounds of fentanyl seized during a routine traffic stop BY Texas dps, driver arrested.Rudy FernandezRudy Fernandez
Data Shows Texas Is Second In Nation For Users Of MethData Shows Texas Is Second In Nation For Users Of MethDrugs continue to be a problem throughout the nation, and the Lone Star State is no different. Specifically for a major one.Tommy ParadiseTommy Paradise
Don’t Get Fruit Off Gas Pumps In Texas – According To This GuyDon’t Get Fruit Off Gas Pumps In Texas – According To This GuyThis Guy Says Don't Get Fruit Off Gas Pumps In Texas. I never needed to be told that ... by anyone.Dubba GDubba G
Will Arizona Pass a Law Requiring ID for This Household Product? Will Arizona Pass a Law Requiring ID for This Household Product? Could the state of Arizona be considering passing a law to require you to show ID to buy baking soda? Why would they do that?ValVal
Catastrophic Amount Of Illegal Fentanyl Found In Texas ApartmentCatastrophic Amount Of Illegal Fentanyl Found In Texas ApartmentWith the massive 52 pounds of fentanyl found in Munir's apartment, that is enough for over 11 million people.pookspooks
Narcan Coming to Arizona Schools to Combat Fentanyl OverdosesNarcan Coming to Arizona Schools to Combat Fentanyl OverdosesArizona schools want districts to have Narcan on hand to combat fentanyl deaths across the state. What will it cost?ValVal