Movie Night on the Lawn at the Fountains at Farah is making its fall debut this Saturday.

In fact, they’re bringing the Halloween-time movie watching fun for the next four weeks so clear your Saturdays for the rest of the month.

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Warner Bros. Pictures
Warner Bros. Pictures

The free outdoor movie series will begin and end with a Tim Burton classic, kicking off with "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory" this Saturday, October 15, and ending on November 4 with "The Nightmare Before Christmas."

The 2005 adaptation of Charlie and The Chocolate Factory stars Johnny Depp and is based on the 1964 book by the same name. It is not a remake of the 1971 film those of us of a certain age remember.

Hocus Pocus

Fountains at Farah Facebook
Fountains at Farah Facebook

Don’t get your knickers in a twist. Winifred, Sarah and Mary - the three kindly old spinster ladies - are also on the schedule because it wouldn't be Movie Night on the Lawn without Hocus Pocus, one of the most classic Halloween movies of all time.

The annual Halloween-time screening of the silly fun that is "Hocus Pocus" is set for October 29. Get set for a “night of frolic, where children wear costumes and run amok.” (Amok, amok, amok, amok, amok.)

"Come, we fly!"

What to Know If You Plan to Go

• All movies are free to see
• Approximate start time is 7:30 p.m.
• Pets allowed as long as they remain leashed
• Bring your own lawn chairs or blanket as seating will not be provided

Movie Night on the Lawn 2022

Saturday, October 15
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory (2005‧PG)

Saturday, October 22
Monsters Inc (2001‧G)

Saturday, October 29
Hocus Pocus (1993‧PG)

Saturday, November 5
The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993‧PG)

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Below, check out 25 stars who claim to have lived in haunted homes.

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