Jason Witten Unlikely to Return to Cowboys
Jason Witten took a year off from playing football to be in the broadcast booth. Let's just say he wasn't very good at it. Need a reminder about how bad it was? Here you go:
Apparently Witten knows it was bad because he left the booth after the one season and returned to the Cowboys. His stats weren't all that bad when he came back. They were almost identical to the last year he played before he left.
- 2017
- Receptions - 63
- Yards - 560
- Touchdowns - 5
- 2019
- Receptions - 63
- Yards - 529
- Touchdowns - 4
Witten has said he wants to play for another year, but he will probably have to do it for another team. Reports are that the team is ready to part ways with Witten, and there has been talk that Witten is willing to follow his former head coach, Jason Garrett to New York. Garrett is the new offensive coordinator for the Giants, under new head coach Joe Judge.
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