There’s a new study out that’s revealing some breathtaking news about a few of our favorite New Mexico and Texas National Parks and – But it’s not the good type of breathtaking.

The National Parks Conservation Association revealed in their study that two of New Mexico's most renowned national parks, Carlsbad Caverns and White Sands, are dealing with significant air quality problems. Texas didn’t escape this list!

According to the findings, Carlsbad Caverns secured the fifth spot with the Guadalupe Mountains National Park in Texas taking the with spot, and White Sands following closely behind at the tenth spot, among the ten worst national parks in the United States for air quality. 

NPS/ E. Bangcoro via Carlsbad Caverns National Park Facebook
NPS/ E. Bangcoro via Carlsbad Caverns National Park Facebook

Out of nearly 400 parks examined nationwide, this news is raising concerns about the environmental impact and visitor experience in these beloved natural destinations especially since most families will be heading to these parks during the Summer break.

The report, compiled using data collected by the National Park Service in 2021, highlighted that Carlsbad Caverns exceeded the federal air quality standards, posing significant health risks to visitors because it could impair breathing and potentially cause damage to the heart and lungs.

Brian Burghart/White Sands National Park Facebook
Brian Burghart/White Sands National Park Facebook

The study also shed light on the sources of pollution affecting these parks. Carlsbad Caverns, which is right in the heart of New Mexico's oil country, faces challenges due to fossil fuel emissions. 

On the other hand, White Sands might be experiencing pollution drift from neighboring military bases and cities like Las Cruces.

Apart from health concerns, the degradation of air quality also impacts the overall visitor experience. Hazy skies, particularly at Carlsbad Caverns, takes away the beauty of the scenic views and honestly, ruins any good Instagram photo you were looking forward to posting!

Guadalupe Mountains National Park
Guadalupe Mountains National Park

Here’s The Full List: 

  1. Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks in California
  2. Joshua Tree National Park in California
  3. Mojave National Preserve in California
  4. Yosemite National Park in California
  5. Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico
  6. Death Valley National Park in California
  7. Indiana Dunes National Park
  8. Guadalupe Mountains National Park in Texas
  9. Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado
  10. White Sands National Park in New Mexico

RANKED: Here are the most popular national parks

To determine the most popular national parks in the United States, Stacker compiled data from the National Park Service on the number of recreational visits each site had in 2020. Keep reading to discover the 50 most popular national parks in the United States, in reverse order from #50 to #1. And be sure to check with individuals parks before you visit to find out about ongoing, pandemic-related safety precautions at

Gallery Credit: Hannah Lang

LOOK: Must-do activities at every national park

Stacker lists the must-do activities at every national park ranked by the annual number of visitors. 

Gallery Credit: Angela Underwood

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