Every year it's a gamble on when El Paso will get snow; usually we expect it in December or January. We're always hoping for snow in El Paso and well... we got it! This past Monday morning (January 2nd, 2023) surprised everyone with a beautiful white blanket of snow.

We're barely into 2023 but Mother Nature decided to make it snow very early on in the year.

Daniel Paulus
Daniel Paulus

None of us were expecting snow; it wasn't in the forecast at all but sure enough... Monday morning we got plenty of that white stuff. And of course El Pasoans were excited.

Here are some shots taken by Julio Ortega, the same one who went viral a while back with the piano playing cat.

Julio Ortega
Julio Ortega
Julio Ortega
Julio Ortega
Julio Ortega
Julio Ortega
Julio Ortega
Julio Ortega
Julio Ortega
Julio Ortega

Here are some other shots taken by other El Pasoans, you can see plenty more on the Fans ofTexasStormChasers Facebook group.

Of course there were plenty of videos of the El Paso snow.

We've seen some shots taken from people's houses, like this video from Tony Terrazas's Facebook.

seeyou414 on YouTube,

Or this home video from KTSM's Monica Cortez.

We saw plenty of it on the roads. (The mountains always look beautiful when it snows in my opinion)

Of course we saw the weird mixture of rain AND snow too.


FitFam showed some videos taken by El Pasoans of the snow all over El Paso.

The snow got so bad even Transmountain was backed up BADLY.

It's very early in the year; who knows if we'll get more snow later in the year but hey! At least we can say we got it this year... PERIOD.

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