Chihuahua’s Have TWO Day Games Coming Up
I've written before about how much I love when the El Paso Chihuahua’s have a day game.
They’re pretty rare, but there are going to be two day-games in the span of a week at Southwest University Park.
September 6th, the Chihuahuas have a day game versus the Round Rock Express. Game starts at 12:05 and you can get tickets at this link.
Then, exactly one week later, September 13, it’s a home game vs. the Albuquerque Isotopes.
Again, it will be a 12:05 PM start and tickets for THAT game are here .
How are the Chihuahuas doing this year? How many games are they out of first place?How are they going to do in the post-season?
These are all questions that nobody cares about.
All you need to know is that there are going to be two day games and it always seems like ALL of El Paso plays hooky for the day and comes out to the ballpark and, basically, day drinks with no intention of returning to the office.
It’s one of our city’s proudest traditions.
Baseball is so much more than “just a sport”. It’s a national tradition, America’s pastime.
There’s also the OTHER national pastime: F----- of from work and spending the day getting hammered at the ballpark with all the other reproba…I mean, fine, hardworking Americans.
There’s only one other afternoon game on the Chihuahua’s schedule.
It’s on September the 17th , which is a Sunday. That’s fine, I guess. It’s more fun if you’re ditching work, though.