Getting a jury duty summons in Texas is sort of exciting but, for most, it's really an annoyance. Here's how to get out of having to do it ...

If you're a Texan of legal age and registered to vote, with a driver license, you will eventually be, (if you haven't already been), summoned for jury duty. It, along with taxes, death and Taylor Swift, is inevitable.

You don't necessarily have to go though, there are ways to totally dodge it. Keep reading if you're interested ...

The Texas Constitution, along with the Constitution of the USA, guarantees every citizen the right to a trial by jury. Not everyone brought before the/a court needs one but everyone can have one.

Fender benders, minor property disputes, traffic tickets, etc ... peeps involved in those kinds of things don't really need jury trials. However, no matter how minor the issue may be, everybody has the same basic right to one.

Doing your civic duty can be a big pain in the azz though ... unless you can skip it. In the state of Texas, here's how to do that:

How Can I Get Out Of Jury Duty In Texas?

While not required, individuals may choose to be excused from jury duty if they are over 75 years old, have legal custody of a child under 12 without adequate supervision, or are full-time students. (Certain hardship excuses may be considered) -

Not being of sound mind is also a dodge. So is being of questionable moral character. (That should work if nothing else did. Just saying.) Not sure how you establish either of those but, for some, it shouldn't be too hard.  If those don't work, try these ...

NOTE: I am not an attorney and I have no real knowledge of the law in Texas or anywhere else.

  • If asked about having friends, family or deep/close ties to lawyers, cops, judges, etc ... answer YES. (You probably have some tie, somewhere, somehow but it HAS to be true. Lying to the court is a big time no - no)
  • Express bias. If asked whether or not you can put your personal feelings aside throughout the trial, say yes. You're perfectly fine to just go along with whatever you read online.
  • Ignore it. This may or may not have worked for me, (or someone close to me), but it's a 50/50 shot. Win, they move on  - lose; they send you another summons.

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