An Arizona Mom just "quit" on her kids kindergarten homework assignment and I totally agree with her. It's ridiculous ...

Each new school year brings new requirements for supplies, new teachers, new challenges and, sometimes, new locations. Along with, of course, homework.

In this case, a LOT of it ... I mean a ****load.

An Arizona mom was blown away when her child came home with a monster homework assignment after barely starting school. It wasn't elementary, middle or high school either ... we're talking kindergarten here. The kid's 5.

After seeing her her child's 20 page, double sided homework packet Cayley (aka cayleyxo on TikTok) emailed the teacher and said, nope.

Based on the stress, mental, physical anxiety it's causing my kid, we are done,' " the mom explains in the TikTok.

She adds that the email came after she and her son tried to work on the homework packet together. On Aug. 26, she had him sit down quietly during breakfast and work on finishing at least one or two pages of the packet because he was behind. -

Most of the comments left on her TikTok post were in agreement with her decision to call out the teacher and say, hey ... this is way too much.

Her post also serves as a reminder to parents that, if you think something is too much, inappropriate or questionable at all, you have the right to contact the teacher and/or principal and make your thoughts and requests known.

You're the parent, don't let the school walk all over you or your child.

11 Guilt-Free Reasons Parents Can Celebrate Back-to-School Season

If you're the sort of parent that spends the summer pining away for the start of the school year, you've found good company here!

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