Texas is Shaking as Earthquakes are on the Rise in Texas

When you think of natural disasters in Texas, most people think of severe weather, hurricanes, tornados, and of course wildfires (especially after this week in the Panhandle). But officials are now saying it might be time for Texans to start thinking about earthquakes.
According to a report from MySanAntonio.com, officials say that in South Texas, there have been at least 12 earthquakes with a magnitude 3 or higher in the last month. It's a number that reportedly rivals last year's total of earthquakes and point to a rising trend in Texas.
You can actually view a map from the USGS that shows the latest earthquakes, not only in Texas but around the nation and world. And yes, there have been several small earthquakes in the last 24 hours in Texas with the largest being a magnitude 3.3.
Why Is Texas Shaking?
Officials say that it can take at least 6 months before a "definite answer" is given on why we have seen the number of earthquakes that we have seen recently. However, officials point to fracking as one of the main causes according to MySanAntonio.com.
“Fracking intentionally causes small earthquakes (magnitudes smaller than 1) to enhance permeability, but it has also been linked to larger earthquakes,” a USGS article reads. “The largest earthquake known to be induced by hydraulic fracturing in the United States was a M4 earthquake in Texas.”
Are The Earthquakes Causing Damage?
The good news is that while earthquakes may be on the rise in Texas, they are relatively small compared to the earthquakes that cause damage. Most of these earthquakes also happen in more rural areas of Texas. Officials say that earthquakes with a magnitude 5 or higher are more associated with damage, and its rare for Texas to see earthquakes of that intensity, but one can never rule it out.
The article did point out that in California, homeowners tend to have earthquake kits with enough supplies for 72 hours. In my opinion, Texans should have the same, not just for earthquakes, but for any type of disaster or power outage that we could see in the future.
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