We all know that gas and grocery prices just continue to rise and we are trying to keep up and handle all of the bills and adulting. But one renter in Austin, Texas recently got hit with a price increase that would make anyone go crazy. We are talking about increasing a rental property by 112%, going from $2,200 per month to $4,678.
The details of the story got published by Daily Dot after a TikTok video was created by Katelyn (@katelynfletcher). The video begins by saying "congratulations", although I'm not so sure anyone would take this kind of an increase as a good thing. The video that you can see below has continued to go viral as many people especially in the Austin, Texas area are feeling the same way with rental increases. But most of the increases are not this drastic.

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The Comments Made on the Rent Raising Video Are Amazing

While it's not funny to even think about being in Katelyn's situation some of the comments were funny. One person wrote about needing about 900 roommates to now pay rent. Others questioned if the increase was really that but but Katelyn said she could proof it. Some thought that amount of increase was illegal, but currently there is no law about increasing rental prices.

Rental Increases Are Everywhere in Austin, Texas Right Now

Austin is one of the fastest growing areas in the country. From 2021 to 2022 rental prices increased by 35% the most in any city nationwide according to Spectrum News. So when your rent goes up by $100 I guess we shouldn't complain too much. Ugh.

First-Ever 3D Printed Home in Austin, TX, Dubbed 'House Zero'

From prosthetics, to organs, and guns to now homes, 3D printing has become a giant step forward for humankind. If you missed the news, this week the first-ever 3D home was unveiled in Austin, TX, and we've got your first look at it.

Dennis Quaid's Former Austin, Texas Home

Here is a look inside the house that used to be owned by actor Dennis Quaid in Austin, Texas

Austin House With a Boeing 737 Media Room

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