When Chaos Happens on the Texas Border, Watch It on These Cameras
In case you missed it, a caravan of hundreds of immigrants of different nationalities rushed three different bridges in El Paso.
FitFam and various news outlets shared videos directly from the chaos on the bridges.
The bridges impacted were the Paso del Norte bridge, Stanton Bridge and the Bridge of the Americas.

The standoff between the hundreds of migrants and U.S. Customs and Border Protection lasted a few hours before everything calmed down- but the footage of the chaos continued to go viral online.
But out of the entire chaos, many found for the first time ever, that you can actually look up the footage of the bridge yourself!
The City of El Paso website offers real time footage of the international bridges as well as give you the wait times, toll rates and other vital information you need for your trip across the Border.
These days, it's real easy to find out how long a wait will be on a certain bridge, coming back from Juarez there's various ways of finding out wait times. But if you're interested in seeing actual, real time, footage of the bridges you can do so on this website.
The bridges that have camera footage are the Stanton Bridge, the Paso Del Norte Bridge and the Zaragoza bridge. These three bridges are city managed ports of entry and are operating seven days a week, 24 hours a day. The other ports of entry, like the Bridge of the Americas are not city owned and don't offer real time footage, however you can still check the wait times.
As someone who has done traffic for the Morning Show for years, this website has been a life saver for when people have questions on the bridge wait times. Now you can also check it out by clicking here.