9 Things You Might Find in Your Yard After A Texas Dust Storm
Living in Texas is great with all the nice people, wild life, and the amazing food but you might have recently experienced a dusty downside in the South Plains. I know most of you are tired of reading about how dusty it was, how dusty it will be, etc. but what about the after math once the dust has settled?
We all know that with how bad the dust storm was on Sunday, February 26, 2023, that there were plenty of things being blown around. I even thought my house was going to blow away with how much it shook but it stayed in place like a champ. What do you do if you find something that shouldn't be any where near your home because it doesn't belong to you, well there are some mixed answers.
Those West Texas dust storms seem to have recently scattered so many things onto peoples yards that you don't really know if they are meant to be there or not. I don't think the trampoline down 82nd Street is supposed to be taking up the whole alley though near the road. There can be some treasure you might find though through all this dust that might just make your day go a little bit better. I am just hoping to find some unopened nasal spray since I have been sneezing non-stop for hours.
If you found something in your yard after the dust storm let us know in the comments. Was it a blessing or something that you wish would have just gone with the wind?