5 Must Haves For Your WrestleMania Party
It's sign-pointing season folks! The most #STUPENDOUS WrestleMania is here and we're here to help make your WrestleMania party an absolute SLAM!

Must Haves For Your WrestleMania Party
If you're looking to stomp a mudhole in this weekend, then give me a 'Hell Yeah'
WrestleMania is two nights this year so if you're going to have to decide whether you're doing a two night party or one, we're here to make you look like you're the Head of the Table.
NBC's Peacock Subscription
First off there's no party to take place if you can't watch the showcase of the immortals. NBC's Peacock is the new digital home for the WWE in America. Luckily for us fans it's way more affordable than the old pay-per-views back in the day. This premium live event will only cost users about $4.99. There is a Mania' special going on as well, new subscribers that subscribe by April 1st can get Peacock for $3.80 a month for a year service, or pay upfront for $38. After the one-year ends, your account would renew at the normal rate, which is currently $4.99/mo, or $49.99 per year.
A Big TV or Projector
Now that you're hopefully subscribed, you're need going to need something to watch it on. I've watched Summerslam projected outdoors on a wall, I've had a dozen friends squeezed around a 64' 4K TV to watch Hell in a Cell. Get something that will be appropriate for the size of the guest list, then go one size bigger.
Snacks to Lay the Smackdown On
With WrestleMania being a multiple-night event, you're going to have to lay the smacketh down on some treats for you and your guests. So whether you're munching on Booty-O's or smashing some popcorn, make sure the pantry is full.
WWE Gear
Nothing is more fun than dressing up like your favorite superstar. You could demand that attendees wear trunks! If you're more reserve, no pressure here, wear your favorite wrestler's merch.
Your Own Faction
Be the Head of your own Table by inviting all your best buds. Then ask them to acknowledge that you put on this kickass WrestleMania Party.
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